epona.co.nz - Equine Performance | ConTact C. A. R. E. Equine | New Zealand

Description: ConTact C.A.R.E. and the Flinchlock Release method gives effective relief from pain, stress and tension. Releasing pressure to realise potential and providing horses, humans, animals and pets a Common-sense Approach to Real Ease in New Zealand, and at Epona in the Motueka, Nelson and Tasman region.

richmond (1901) nelson (439) motueka (29) marahau (9) c.a.r.e. (7) contact care (6) flinchlock (5) flinchlock release therapy (4)

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ConTact C.A.R.E

  ConTact C.A.R.E is a practical study in ‘The Nature of STILLNESS’.

 It is a Martial Arts based discipline created in Ngatea, 

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