epr-technologies.com - EPR-Technology Saves Lives

Description: EPR Technologies uses suspended animation to allow more time for severea trauma and SCA patients an increased chance at survival.

medical (6819) trauma (2758) emergency (2068) crp (68) suspended animation (6) survival from sca (2)

Example domain paragraphs

Our technology uses AI to induce a state of suspended animation in trauma patients after CPR attempts have failed. This allows the body to be preserved for up to 3 hours, giving medical teams more time to transport the patient to a trauma center and perform much-needed emergency surgical repairs. The patient is then resuscitated and placed in the ICU for recovery.

Our technology is not just for doctors and nurses. It is for anyone who has been trained in EPR. This means that anyone, anywhere in the world, can now save a life.

We are on the cusp of a medical revolution. Our technology has the potential to save countless lives and give hope to millions of people worldwide.