equinox-project.com - The Equinox Project

Description: Research archive of The Equinox Project. The material covered is a new method of understanding petroglyphs. Sun powered devices that note specific times of the solar year accurately is a feature here. Enjoy our presentation.

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The late Barry Fell was a gifted scholar. It was in a book written by him called Saga America that brought INY-272 or Inyo to serious attention. Alas, problems arose in the publication. Although authenticated by Dr. Robert Heizer, some sketches proved inaccurate. Saga America was soundly denounced. Yet, the material he published about Inyo has proven significant. Not all Saga America was in error. Sadly, his revelations are not accepted (nor liked) by the scientific community. Archaeology has rejected Dr. F

The local People had little contact with Americans until about 1860. History records a meeting between a Paiute leader and the new cattle ranchers. The cattlemen called him "Chief George." This man knew of the importance of Inyo, he called it "dwelling place of a great spirit." The U. S. Army was called in to end the "Indian troubles" and Chief George was arrested and held captive until his death. Thousands of Native People died in this little known war. The survivors were incarcerated for three generations

Natural events, some local and some far dispersed have affected Inyo. Bitter winters have taken their toll, some rocks have fallen, but the major damage is man made, the latest being destruction of the playa ceremonial areas and dynamiting the cliff face for a Federal road building project. Inyo was marble and nearby quarrying activity has left many scars. We are very fortunate that the sites importance has been discovered, but we need to learn more.