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Description: Erfahren Sie mehr über die Naturschutzbewegung, schließen Sie sich uns an und helfen Sie uns, die Umweltzerstörung aufzuhalten.

klima (2933) umweltschutz (891) luft (253) ozon (202) erhaltung (59) pestizide (37) ökotourismus (34) luftverschmutzung (22) verarmung (17) eingeborene (16)

Example domain paragraphs

SenseBox works 24/7 left and right: Kim, Leonie und Dinorah preparing the first seeds in small greenhouses (19.1.19)    middle: senseBox works 24/7

unsere neuesten Mitglieder: Lea, Agatha, Lena

Therefore the school should be an institution which will prepare students for labour market requests where digital skills, multi-platform computer literacy and also knowledge of foreign languages mainly English and its use in everyday situations is necessary. We want to develop the pupils’ environmental awareness, positive attitude to physical work, national identity through building school gardens and growing national crops. The understanding of climate differences and dependence in different EU countries