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The Sports Erasmus Programme A Programme to enhance the European Dimension in sport By Michele Colucci with the support of Ann Becker

Imagine... You, your friends, And your children Going abroad to play, to train, And learn a new language. Imagine... having fun and learning about Europe through sport: its principles and its values. Imagine... Going from Rome to London, From Amsterdam to Barcelona, Practicing your favourite sport. Imagine... An Erasmus Sports Programme. Michele Colucci Hearing on Sport at the European Parliament Brussels, 18 November 2010 A FUTURE EUROPEAN SPORTS POLICY In the name of Autonomy and Specificity (Bruxelles, 1

Art. 165 of the Treaty on the Functioning of the EU (TFEU) legally recognises the importance of sport for the first time, calling on the EU to "contribute to the promotion of European sporting issues, while taking account of the specific nature of sport, its structures based on voluntary activity and its social and educational function ". In November 2010, at the occasion of the hearing on Sport at the European Parliament in Brussels, Prof. Michele Colucci launched the idea of an Erasmus Sports Programme .

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