- ERA Systems | Emergency Role Allocation

Description: The touch screen communication tool designed to support teams responding to clinical emergencies. A new era of emergency response.

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User Guide Admin Login Close main menu Home About Our Team Process Map News Contact The Problem Emergencies are usually triggered using hard-wired alarm systems at the patient’s bedside. This alerts others to the location of the emergency but provides no further information such as the type of emergency, who is already in attendance, and which roles still need to be allocated.

A touch screen system that conveys detailed information about the emergency to the team members on the outside of the room. The attending team can self-allocate roles and arrive with the right equipment needed for the emergency at hand. Unwanted exits and entrances are avoided.

Post emergency audit trail can be utilised to identify efficiencies and inform team training. Situational awareness can be maintained across the entire service. Staff. Patients and relatives report feeling less overwhelmed, and instances of PTSD style symptoms are reduced.

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