Description: Official Website for the Frank & Jesse James Family
family (12600) history (7595) genealogy (2897) james (786) jesse james (13) stray leaves leaves of gas
Our mission is to research, document, and report on the family history and genealogy of the family of Frank & Jesse James, their related families, plus their relevant social communities. What we learn, we make available for entertainment, informational, and educational purposes. We invite collaboration.
The family history we collect and preserve includes stories, biography, photos, and documents. We identify source evidence for the core genealogy of the James family to document a substantive, all encompassing, and authoritative genealogy, always available for peer review or for individual consultation. We take on family claimants, to either prove or disprove claims. We also debunk charlatans, fraudsters, and con artists.
We currently are writing and publishing an epic five-volume history of the Jesse James family, to identify and define the core character, personality, behavior, and very soul of the James family, as it appears from generation to generation throughout the family's history. We publish reviews of pertinent books, TV programs, and movies, as well as monitor auctions for artefact fraud. The events we produce include appearances, lectures, presentations, book signings, tours, and the rare Jesse James Family Reuni