- The Seductive Suspense of Ericka Scott

Description: Ericka Scott is a multi-published best-selling author of seductive suspense.

unleashed (56) shattered (9) double jeopardy (4) out of time (3) losing it (3) ericka scott (1) twilight\'s embrace (1) wanton wishes (1) becon the dark (1) song of seduction (1)

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Welcome to my official website.

Throughout my life I’ve been many things, daughter, wife, and mother. I taught myself to read when I was three years old and by the time I was thirteen, I was scribbling stories of my own. Although I have always been a writer at heart, I’m thrilled to add the label published author after my name. So, if you’ve come here seeking suspense, mystery, and seduction, you’re in the right place.

Come on in and I hope you enjoy your stay!

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