- Homepage Erik Slot Photography - Erik Slot Photography Groningen

Description: Rechtvaardigheidsvragen en sociaal-maatschappelijke mechanismen spelen in zijn fotografie een belangrijke rol, maar ook het (on)vermogen van mensen om hun leven zelf te sturen.

slot (31685) fotografie (14027) new york (13115) fotograaf (1178) groningen (1161) vormgeving (514) portretten (262) groepen (219) erik (204) zwart-wit (25)

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Warsaw, Brzeskastreet: The backside of the emerging district of Praga. People who have lived here for generations are burdened by rising rents, demolition, speculation and a disinterested government. Their new neighbours are junkies and homeless. The courtyards and the market are the common domain of these groups. And of Kacper and Julia, teenagers who do their best to just grow up, rapping and breakdancing. What will their changes be to escape this environment? I have tried to view the neighbourhood throug

Bushwick, Brooklyn New York City.

The originally industrial- and poor neighborhood is being invaded by free spirited kind of people and artists. They are settling their workshops in the old buildings. The neighborhoods where they used to live have become so popular with yuppies and hipsters, that rents have skyrocketed. Most of them could not afford the rents anymore and were forced to look for alternative space to live and work, transfering Bushwick in a colorful, vibrant neighborhood.

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