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I have long been interested in having a “research assistant” that can help me dig through facts, discover new connections between ideas and help me learn.  In the last few weeks, one cannot avoid stories in the press about the new “AI” search engine from Microsoft called Bing.   Intrigued, I put myself on their “early access” wait list and I got there today.   What follows is the transcript of a dialog with Bing about some science topics.  My impression:  I was blown away! 

Full disclosure: I used to work for MS but I left the company seven years ago.  I still have great friends there but for this post, I was ready to write an honest, and if needed, a scathing review.  After all, the company is far from perfect.  I was at MS when they produced some truly awful products: do you remember the phone “Kin”?  But the company is often brilliant and has some amazing people.  I decided to test my requirements for my research assistant.   As you will see below it does a great job of sif

I love Wikipedia, but it can lead to  “TL;DR” syndrome.  Bing’s responses are clear and to the point.   Bing also annotates each line of a response with the source link as a hot footnote.  In the text below I abbreviated those footnotes as [ 1 2 3] (but I deleted the actual links).  Most of my questions had four or five sources.   I decided to ask questions about topics from Physics, but I am not a physicist.  I don’t even know enough to be dangerous.  But the topic is fascinating to me. 

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