- Masha Esipova

Description: Homepage of Masha (Maria) Esipova, a Postdoctoral Researcher at the University of Konstanz, working on natural language semantics and its interfaces.

language (2084) linguistics (322) semantics (76) pragmatics (22) masha esipova (1) maria esipova (1) esipova (1) маша есипова (1) мария есипова (1) есипова (1)

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Hi, my name is Masha (Maria) Esipova (she or they). I am currently a Postdoctoral Researcher in linguistics at the University of Konstanz . Previously, I was a Marie Skłodowska-Curie Fellow (PI of EU project 891493 “GeMeTIC” ) at the University of Oslo (2020–2022) and a Postdoctoral Research Associate and Lecturer at Princeton University (2019–2020). I hold a PhD in linguistics from New York University (2019).

I am a formal semanticist with a profound interest in how meaning composition and meaning expression are situated within a larger architecture of grammar. Within the UniKn project I am on ( “Alternative Questions and Beyond” , PI: Maribel Romero ), I work on prosody–syntax–semantics–pragmatics of different types of questions, with the current focus on rhetorical and repeated questions. This ties naturally into my prior work on questions, responses to questions, and exclamatives in Russian. Besides that, muc

When working on a specific topic, I systematically look at how the relevant meaning is expressed via various channels (e.g., for spoken language: strings of segments, prosody, hand and body gestures, facial expressions, etc.). By doing so, I acknowledge that we can combine conventionalized and non-conventionalized meaning–form mappings, where the form can in principle have any physical manifestation, within a single coherent compositional structure, and I aim to investigate both channel-independent universa

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