- Esophageal Institute of Atlanta, C. Daniel Smith, MD

Description: Esophageal Institute of Atlanta is a medical, surgical practice in Atlanta focused on the diagnosis and treatment of esophageal and upper intestinal conditions.

health (21452) medical (6862) health care (1958) surgery (1676) surgical (376) heathcare (15) esophagus (14) esophageal (8) upper intestine (2) upper intestinal (2)

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We are OPEN to see you in the office

Effective Tuesday, May 26, 2020: Esophageal Institute of Atlanta is open to see patients in the office. Click the Covid-19 Announcement button below for more information.

Esophageal Institute of Atlanta is the only medical/surgical practice in Atlanta focused primarily on the diagnosis and treatment of esophageal conditions and upper intestinal conditions. Founded by Dr. C. Daniel Smith , an internationally recognized expert in gastrointestinal surgery, the Esophageal Institute of Atlanta brings together the expertise of gastroenterologists, surgeons, ENTs and pulmonologists to provide integrated and comprehensive testing and treatment for all conditions of the upper intesti