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Description: 波胆平台敬业的教师和工作人员将满足你,你在哪里,并帮助你充分发挥你的潜力.波胆网站的学生在一个既受爱又受考验的社区中茁壮成长:在教室里,在球场上,在舞台上,波胆平台作为基督徒.作为一个天主教徒,以多米尼加祈祷之柱为基础建立的波胆网站,研究,社区,和说教,波胆平台为每个学生提供了实现个人最好成绩的机会.你愿意接受这个挑战吗?

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访问 应用 值 接受 波胆平台 在 波胆平台 天主教, if you are willing to give it your all, our dedicated faculty and staff will meet you where you are and help you reach your full potential. Our students thrive in a community where they are both loved and tested: in the classroom, 在球场上, 在舞台上, 作为基督徒. 作为天主教徒, college preparatory high school founded on the Dominican Pillars of 祈祷, 研究, 社区, 和说教, 波胆平台 Catholic provides every student with the opportunity to achieve their personal best. Will you accept the challenge?

波胆平台 Catholic holds our students to the highest standards. Our culture of excellence begins with our competitive academics but extends to our winning athletic teams, accomplished performers, and nationally recognized band. Regardless of a student's interests and talents, they will have the opportunity to push themselves, 形式的友谊, 和excel. 

波胆平台 Catholic builds character through faith. Through service and prayer, we encourage our students to wrestle with difficult questions, build a relationship with God, and fortify their 值. Our diversity allows students to befriend and learn from peers of different backgrounds and cultures. Our students graduate with the integrity, the strength, and the morality to navigate adulthood. 

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