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The incubation period of brucellosis averages 1-4 weeks, but with the formation of latent carriage it is extended to 2-3 months. Acute brucellosis usually develops quickly, in the elderly the onset may be gradual (in this case, patients report prodromal phenomena in the form of general malaise, insomnia, weakness, arthralgia and myalgia with a gradual increase in intoxication over several days). Body temperature rises sharply to high numbers, stunning chills alternate with heavy sweat, intoxication develops

The feverish period most often lasts a few days, sometimes dragging on up to 3 weeks or a month. Patients report sleep disorders, appetite, headaches, emotional lability. At the peak of the temperature curve, there is hyperemia and swelling of the face and neck against the background of general blanching.

Moderate polylymphadenopathy is revealed - lymph nodes, mainly cervical and axillary, are somewhat enlarged and moderately painful to the touch. In the acute form, fibrositis and cellulitis, more characteristic of the subacute course of brucellosis, can also be noted - dense painful formations along the tendons and muscles the size of a pea (sometimes they reach the size of a small chicken egg).

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