- Essential Harmonies - Aromatherapy & Education

Description: Welcome to Essential Harmonies Aromatherapy, where health + education = growth. Essential Oil blends are made specifically to complement Traditional Chinese Herbal medicines. Bringing Heaven, Earth, and Humanity in harmony. Essential oil blends made to balance Yin and Yang, designed to bring emotional ease into your life. Calming and soothing aromas to benefit the mind, body, and spirit. Breathe!

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“Aromatherapy is one of the most dynamic holistic healing professions because the room for interpretation and empirical knowledge is as immense as the psycology and physiology of the individual whom it attempts to treat” -Jade Shutes, author and founder of the Institute for Dynamic Aromatherapy Aromatherapy is a natural, gentle, non-invasive treatment system that addresses your body systemically, bringing forth the healing qi energy within you to help you regain your sense of well-being and vitality.

“Aromatherapists view most diseases as systemic and the patient will find that aromatherapy treatment is different from previous allopathic treatment. The therapist will consider the psychological problems associated with the conditions, often allowing the patient to express for the first time hie/her emotional pain, without being offered synthetic tranquilizers.” -Valerie Worwood, “Silently Bleeding Tears”, The International Journal of Aromatherapy, Vol. 2 No. 4, p. 17. Chronic pain is typically addressed

We specialize in all types of pain management, including low back pain, neck pain, shoulder pain, and how this pain affects emotional health.