- Affordable apartments in Clanton, AL | Estates at Kendal

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Prices and availability subject to change without notice.

This property offers a twelve-month lease.

Note: 1 Person - 50%  $22,150 and 60% $26,580 2 People - 50%  $25,300 and 60% $30,360 3 People - 50%  $28,450 and 60% $34,140 4 People - 50% $31,600 and 60% $37,920 5 People - 50% $34,150 and 60% $40,980 6 People - 50% $36,700 and 60% $44,040 7 People - 50% $39,200 and 60% $47,040 8 People - 50% $41,750 and 60% $50,100

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