- 烟雨江南 Eat Today To Live Tomorrow

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I’ve been researching health and nutrition since 2004. After my mom died at the age of 46 after a 10-year battle with an autoimmune disease, I started questioning how we take care of our bodies. I read a book that challenged some of my preconceptions about diet, and I starting changing habits, such as eating grass-fed meat and raw milk. Pretty quickly, I was seeing positive results: getting sick less, feeling better. When I met my now-wife in 2010, she got interested in the way I was eating, changed her own

I’ve been a nutritional consultant for a local personal training studio since 2011. I am not a licensed health professional, just a passionate researcher and educator. All information I share is the result of my own study and experience, and should not be taken as medical advice.

I live with my wife, Shanna , and our two small kids, in Nashville, TN.