- EU Halal - EU Halal

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EU HALAL is a private Muslim-owned Halal company and offers consulting  and certification in Halal and Tayyib products for national and international markets. Halal means permissible based on Islamic Law. Tayyib means "good", that refers to good quality, healthy, environmentally-friendly and respecting of human values. Halal and Tayyib together build the harmony of life, the balance of Universe.

EU Halal looks forward in becoming a benchmark in European Union as a Halal consulting and certifying company, adding value and also certifying Halal logisticS in all Export and Import operations.

The value of the Global Halal market exceeds 1.3 trillion US dollars. The Muslim consumers in this Global Market are nearly 1.2 billion. Halal market encompasses all Continents, the Muslim countries and many countries with large Muslim populations.

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