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Description: EULER - автоматизированный динамический анализ многокомпонентных механических систем

euler (26) динамика (18) математическое моделирование (11) динамические системы (2) кинематика (2) эйлер (1) автомеханика (1) динамический анализ (1) многокомпонентные механические системы (1) анализ механических систем (1)

Example domain paragraphs

Software complex for the automated dynamic analysis of multicomponent mechanical systems EULER (EULER) developed by the specialists of JSC «AutoMechanics.Inc» with the participation of teachers and postgraduate students of Lomonosov Moscow State University.

The original technology of automated dynamic analysis of multicomponent mechanical systems is implemented in the software complex EULER. The essence of the technology is as follows. Description of the dynamic model of the mechanical system is performed in the usual engineering terms such as body, joint – the kinematic connection of the elastic or damping element of the force interaction etc. Is a description of the model can be performed by a specialist engineer. Based on the engineering and technical descr

The EULER software package can be used in the design, development, testing and fine-tuning of various products, in scientific and applied research, as well as in the learning process. The program complex can be used by engineers, researchers and students of various branches of science and industry. The use of the software allows to obtain reliable information about the behavior and power loads in the created products already at the early stages of design. With the help of mathematical models, it is possible