- EUROCAMP | English Camp

Description: English camp EUROCAMP

education (20608) english (5256) camp (2373) summer (2019) eurocamp (4)

Example domain paragraphs

In principle, a group of children leave their homes to spend one or two weeks in a place surrounded by nature. They stay there without parents . More often than not they are accommodated in small cottages, sometimes in tents, which they have to put up themselves. The children are under constant supervision of adults who are skilled and responsible for them at all times. The camps have different durations, focuses and settings. Our EUROCAMP intends to build friendships between different nations, develop comm

Our camp situated in the beautiful scenery of a south Bohemian valley between the towns of Tábor and BechynÄ› is open to children from all countries , because we are trying to remove language barriers. We use two languages to speak – Czech and English (an international language). Along with Czech leaders there are native English speakers who communicate with the children in English the whole day.

This means that each group has two adults who look after the children – one English leader and one Czech leader. This is a great combination for the children : there is always the possibility to ask one of the leaders to translate. Of course, there will also be new friends and campmates to help as well. That’s why foreign children may join our camp – they do not have to be afraid of misunderstanding or miscommunication . At the same time the children take part in various activities and are compelled to be i

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