- EuroEnergy |

Description: EuroEnergy is a renewable energy investment company with solar PV parks and wind farms operating and under development in Southern and Eastern Europe

investment (6605) renewable energy (1566) sustainable energy (517) bess (64) solar farms (31) wind parks (5) libra group (2) euro energy (1) euroenergy (1) linbra group (1)

Example domain paragraphs

EuroEnergy is a renewable energy investment company with solar PV parks and wind farms operating and under development in Southern and Eastern Europe with an installed capacity approaching 100 MW, and having owned or managed 375 MW. With offices in London, Athens, Bucharest and Limassol, EuroEnergy has an established track record of acquiring, developing, and operating renewable energy assets in a constantly changing regulatory environment and dealing with the complex dynamics of the local electricity marke

EuroEnergy is a subsidiary of the Libra Group, a privately-owned international business group that also has interests in shipping, aviation, hospitality, real estate and a portfolio of diversified investments.

EuroEnergy announces Maria Kouskouvata as Accounting Manager