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I’ve always been impressed by exploring different parts of the world with its countries and cultures. Directly after high school, I decided to do an apprenticeship at the “Hilton Munich Park”, where I had my first experience with a Sales department while working for the Convention & Events Sales team for five months. Afterwards, I knew for sure that my heart was beating for the Hotel and Tourism Industry. In order to get a better understanding of business administration topics in the industry, I started the

Over the years I worked in a number of different areas and gained experiences in Sales and Marketing, Event Management and Young Talent Acquisition. As a  Marketing Assistant at the marketing department of my university, I was organizing open house events and career fairs. As a Cluster Internship Administrator in Ras Al Khaimah (UAE), I worked for six hotels and I was in charge for approx. 80 trainees and interns. There I also organized several career and connect events in order to convince students to join