evaneliasyoung.com - Evan Elias Young

Description: Evan Elias Young's Online Portfolio. Evan Young is a freelance web developer based in the St. Louis area, creating professional looking websites that respond well to many devices. Scalability and resuable resources are a key goal.

web (36815) internet (24779) computer (11605) network (6853) web designer (3687) young (2188) evan (86) elias (65) evan young (3) evan elias young (2)

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I create professional looking sites that respond well to many devices. Scalability and resuable resources are necessary for development in the modern age; many sites and apps will share resources. I will maintain a working copy of any site that is created under the Demos tab on my site; the site will be kept secure and private until further notice.

I also specialize in daily task automation, small Python scripts to keep me informed. I synchronized my Smart Home devices in order to create a nearly autonomous day cycle in my room. At the beginning of every week a personalized message is emailed to me with the weather, sun data, holidays, and more.

Not only do I perform music on a variety of instruments: I mix recordings and compose scores. My inspirations involve 1950s and 1960s bands and a limited number of musicians after that period. Songs which I have recorded and mastered can be found on the Music page.

Links to evaneliasyoung.com (1)