evangelistentrepreneur.com - Meet PK - The Entrepreneurial Evangelist Bringing the Revival of Revenue to the World

Description: Known worldwide as “The Entrepreneurial Evangelist”, PK is the trusted voice for the entrepreneur that exists within us all. Sizzling with enthusiasm for life, PK is leading the “Revival of Revenue” and providing the solution to the 21st century money problem for the Masses, the Middle Class, and Main Street Small Business.

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Entrepreneurial Espresso!

“THE ENTREPRENEURIAL EVANGELIST,  Patrick “PK” Kucera has been called the “Billy Graham of business”, “a modern-day Napoleon Hill” and the “Zig Ziglar for the next generation”. Kings have embraced him, politicians have entrusted him, and corporate CEO’s have sought his counsel. He has taken his entrepreneurial message of hope, innovation and free enterprise across America and around the world.”

1.  World Chamber of Commerce Advisory Board 2017-21 2.  World Civility Award Recipient 3.  Humanitarian of the Year Award – David Chow Foundation 4.  Distinguished Leadership Award from iChangeNations 5.  Former Gubernatorial Candidate