evangreer.org - Evan Greer

Description: Home page of Evan Greer, a punk artist from Boston, MA. Evan Greer is a queer indie punk musician, writer, and activist based in Boston.

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Evan Greer Home Bio Tour Dates Music Workshops College Youth Organizations Unions Photos Video Writing Booking My new album Spotify is Surveillance is out April 9th on Get Better Records and Don Giovanni Records

Rage Against the Machine guitarist Tom Morello calls Evan Greer “a heck of a guitar player,” but she’s perhaps better known as an activist and writer for outlets like the Washington Post, NBC News, and Wired. She’s been on the frontlines of some of the most notable grassroots victories of the last decade, from defending net neutrality to keeping facial recognition from invading music festivals to helping launch #NoMusicForICE. When quarantine began and all the shows were cancelled, Evan ordered a condenser

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Links to evangreer.org (3)