evanlouie.github.io - Evan Louie

Description: The personal website of Evan Louie; developer, designer, photographer, fashionista, and drinker of beer.

photography (51215) blog (30452) travel (20933) fashion (16317) programming (6851) computer-science (1345) hack (529)

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Evan Louie Software Developer [email protected] evanlouie.com github.com/evanlouie About Project Euler Reading List Resume Useful Scripts GitHub Evan Louie The personal website of Evan Louie; developer, designer, photographer, fashionista, and drinker of beer. TypeScript -- @babel/preset-typescript & ts-loader There are several ways to compile your TypeScript projects nowadays. You can use a vanilla call to tsc to just convert everything to .js files, or you can use a build tool like webpack and use a

A VERY brief working example to get quick-started on Traefik

A basic quickstart for using Google’s Closure Compiler usage with ES6/Node projects.