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The Evansville Metropolitan Planning Organization (EMPO) will begin accepting applications for federal funding from both Indiana and Kentucky LPAs starting July 13, 2022. Funds awarded will cover construction only and will be programmed for EMPO FY 2025 and beyond for Kentucky LPAs and FY 2028 and beyond for Indiana LPAs. Project applications are due Wednesday, July 27, 2022 .

Notice of Proposed Conformity Determination for Amendment 4 to the Evansville MPO FY 2022-2026 Transportation Improvement Program

The Evansville MPO announces a 14-day review and comment period from April 7, 2022 through April 21, 2022 for the Proposed Conformity Determination for Amendment 4 to the Evansville MPO FY 2022-2026 TIP. Click here for Conformity documentation.

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