eviction.support - Legal Help Focusing Upon Landlord Tenant Disputes | Benchmark Legal Offices | Hamilton

Description: Legal Help Focusing Upon Landlord Tenant Disputes. Facing eviction issues? EvictionPros.ca offers legal support for landlords dealing with tenant problems, ensuring your rights are protected. Get help now.

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Honesty: This is the most important thing in my opinion. Ian is the most transparent professional I have ever dealt with, this is what ties everything together to make him the best legal representative and to be quite frank, one of the best humans, I've ever dealt with.

I would recommend Shemesh Paralegal to anyone who may need help at the Landlord and Tenant Board. Ian was able to stay my eviction and allow my family some time to move before the sheriff arrived. He came to my home while he was always aware that I am not Mobile due to a medical condition.

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