evsoperator.co.uk - EVS Operator - Website Coming Soon....

Description: Providing freelance EVS operators and VTR engineers for broadcast, television, corporate, and sporting applications.

video (51727) tv (9808) freelance (7621) broadcast (1819) engineers (1053) crew (594) vt (533) operators (135) evs (106) vtr (30)

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EVS is the dominating broadcast tapeless video system used to such an extent that the “EVS” brand name is now synonymous for tapeless recording and playback systems. With the flexibility to record, control and play media easily, it's no wonder so many broadcasters use them.

The EVS is a comprehensive and powerful tool and depending on the production, will require varying levels of operational experience. An inexperienced operator can potentially let down your production so its important that when you book your crew you get the right person for the job.

We are a team of experienced EVS operators and engineers who all work within mainstream broadcast. We have endless experience of all varieties of productions including: major sporting events, light entertainment and corporate events. We can do it all.