ewamien.com - Project Unison: Mirador de la Memoria • Ewa Lombard blog

Description: Read review and synopsis of Neuroscience-fiction novel by Dr Ewa Mien : Project Unison

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“Humans try to be happy, but their happiness reminds me of dystopian stories. But in this story there are neither scary tyrants nor vicious robot uprisings. Instead, the author uses a much scarier monster – unreliable memory. Whether it is dementia, selective (eu(epi)genics-like) and/or therapeutic memory inhibition, or dream inception and manipulation, a woman/man is bound to confront her/his identity. […]”

read full review by Dr Dragana Favre on Swiss Archives of Psychiatry and Neurology

An amnesic affective neuroscientist, a wannabe writer and a majordomo robot. A nonlinear story of an almost accomplished quest to conquer the fabric of the human experience – emotions.