eweningstar.com - eWEning star | Accelerating Energy Transition through personalised and automated information discovery

Description: Accelerating Energy Transition through personalised and automated information discovery

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Register for updates The amount of information is constantly increasing and it is getting more and more difficult to stay on top of all of it! Too much time is wasted on googling, scrolling for websites, reading newsletters with irrelevant content, getting lost in rabbit holes of endless links while trying to avoid bombardment of ads…

Green Assistant is designed by knowledge workers who have experienced all this and felt like they deserve better tools and processes in order to make an impact in their specific domain in the Renewable Energy Sector!

As we have never been more in a hurry to fight the Climate Change, we need all the possible improvements to empower the global impact makers, whether they are business developers, policy makers, researchers, consultants or investors! No matter what type of knowledge worker you are, the journey starts with efficient information discovery and smart knowledge management system. This is what Green Assistant provides!