exerciseandkids.com - The best exercises for kids

Description: Why exercise is so important for all children, and how their achievement at school depends on fit, healthy bodies.

exercise (2373) healthy children (8) children\'s exercise (1) exercise and mental development (1)

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Exercising for a happy heart :

As I’m sure you already know, your heart is a muscle and what’s more, it’s a muscle that has to work extremely hard with any chance to rest as such. If you really want to help this important muscle get stronger, you can easily so simply by becoming involved in some aerobic exercises. Aerobic exercise is without a doubt, extremely beneficial because not only does it get you sweating and breathing more, but it also serves to increase your heart rate. Of course, providing you do aerobic exercises on a regular

Exercise for strengthening muscles : From swinging across the monkey bars in playgrounds to doing push-ups at home, these are all exercises which help to develop and strengthen muscles.