expectingsunshine.com - Expecting Sunshine Memoir – Alexis Marie Chute

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I just finished your beautiful book “Expecting Sunshine” and felt compelled to reach out and say thank you.

A few days after I found out I miscarried, a few days before my D&C, I went to Barnes & Noble in hopes of finding a guidebook or self-help book of how to heal and cope with miscarriage or loss of a child. I searched every feasible location: self-help, psychology, family planning, childcare. With tears in my eyes I was too embarrassed to ask anyone at the counter for help. There I was already utterly heartbroken and feeling more alone than ever. Not a single book for me to turn to. I pulled out my phone, goo

It must not have been easy for you and your family to share your story, but I hope you know what an impact you’ve had on me and likely so many other women.

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