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Description: Experience MICA fosters community & creates opportunities for m/others to showcase their art in Western Massachusetts. Join for workshops, festivals, events, & support groups!

art (56160) events (23828) artists (5187) creativity (2679) empowerment (1288) equity (1095) inclusion (756) motherhood (433) mothers (238) creative economy (18)

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Support mothers in the arts. Donate today at Fractured Atlas to support Experience MICA.

The underrepresentation of women in the arts is well documented. In 2019, 87% of the collections in 18 major US art museums were made by men. Mothers have an even more difficult time succeeding in the art world, as they need to overcome cultural bias, preconceived notions, and systemic and structural obstacles.

MICA is stirring up the pot. With MICA, the spotlight shines on mom artists, ensuring opportunities where they are rooted. These mothers are your friends, family, and colleagues, and not only do they kick ass at mothering, being there for you,  and everything else, but they are artists to boot.

Links to experiencemica.org (4)