- ‎Experts On The Wire (An SEO Podcast!) on Apple Podcasts

Description: Downloaded over 500,000 times! Experts On The Wire is a monthly SEO podcast hosted by Dan Shure. Discover new trends, tactics, tools, people, and businesses doing remarkable work in the world of Search Engine Optimization. Past guests include Rand Fishkin, Brian Dean, Annie Cushing, Noah Kagan & Van…

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Downloaded over 500,000 times! Experts On The Wire is a monthly SEO podcast hosted by Dan Shure. Discover new trends, tactics, tools, people, and businesses doing remarkable work in the world of Search Engine Optimization. Past guests include Rand Fishkin, Brian Dean, Annie Cushing, Noah Kagan & Vanessa Fox. I'm an SEO consultant myself, so we dig deep into SEO, technical challenges, growth stories, mobile SEO, eCommerce, crawling, content marketing & more.

127: Image Optimization, Algorithmic Biases, ADHD & SEO w/Myriam Jessier

It’s hard to convey the huge variety of topics we covered in this action-packed episode with just a 60-character title! Myriam Jessier is an SEO Trainer, SEO Consultant, and co-owner of PRAGM, a technical marketing agency. She speaks three languages and has been doing SEO for over 15 years. I had a blast talking with her, and I learned a lot listening back to this conversation – this was my longest episode ever clocking in at almost 2 hours! But it will fly…  Topics In This Episode Include: * Breaking throu