exploreborders.com - Explore Borders

Description: Many people dream of trying something new, broadening their horizons and evolving. We at Explore Borders are committed to helping you with this process.

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Many people are dreaming of trying something new, broadening their horizons and evolving. We at Explore Borders are committed to helping you with this process.

It’s about dreaming. With our travelogues, we want to take you to distant countries, to foreign cultures and to the wild beauty of our nature to make you want to experience the world out there.

The enthusiastic dream loses substance when it stays a dream. Even if it sounds unromantic – on the way to action, it also needs knowledge and facts. In addition, we provide detailed GPS data, altitude profiles and overview maps for all tour reports. This makes it easier to realize the tours themselves and gives an insight into the character of each project.

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