expoadvice.com - Expert in Exhibition Strategies for Organizers/Exhibitors

Description: We deliver expertise and advice for the exhibition industry for both organizers and exhibitors

support (9455) organization (2964) exhibition (2560) business development (1752) partnership (810) acquisition (612) merger (189) exhibitors (125) tradefair (7) trade show organisers (1)

Example domain paragraphs

Invention, strictly speaking, is little more than a new combination of those images which have been previously gathered and deposited in the memory; nothing can come from nothing. – Sir Joshua Reynolds

Together with stakeholders and movers in each industry we launched more than 10 events and b2b publications that still stand after 30 years. After selling this portfolio it’s time to share our experience an enter a new servicing era : Expo Advice : we deliver our expertise and Advice for the Expo industry both for ambitious exhibitors as for innovative trade show organizers . We bridge the gap between the customers demands (exhibitors) and the fair organizers. We both have the same goals at the end : bringi

We assist, develop, co-organize and fulfil (Benelux).