exposurewebdesign.com - Vancouver Web Design & E-commerce

Description: Building things for the web for over 20 years for more than 180 clients. Specializing in web and application development.

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And I have been doing it for over 22 years for more than 180 clients.

I like to think of myself as “seasoned”, or perhaps “well marinated” in this sometimes wacky business. The websites I have built, the clients I have worked with, the ideas that have been pitched, the successes, the failures, and the countless amount of coding and business decisions that have been tackled along the way, all serve as invaluable tools that I am now able to pull from my toolbox when working on each and every new project.

I like talking face-to-face, and a good hand shake means a lot to me. With the changes we are making to adapt to today's pandemic world, I miss that. Regardless, I’ll take a five-minute phone call over a hand-full of emails any day. I don’t advertise and I don’t have business cards or letterhead. Never have and really never found a use for them. Ninety percent of my clients have been from referrals. The other ten percent from plain good luck.