eyecandyloader.com - Welcome to Eye Candy Loaders | The People Who Make Shooting Stylish!

Description: Say hello to the Eye Candy Loaders for gorgeous and unforgettable shooting days, charity functions, and eye candy events. Hire our beautifully presented loading team who are trained by shooting professionals.

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With an Eye Candy Loader by your side, other shooters will be green with envy, but our beautifully presented team of girls, in their attractive uniforms, are so much more than just a pretty face.

Each Eye Candy Loader has successfully completed our professional shooting training programme which is managed by a qualified shooting instructor and includes an understanding of the tradition that is associated with shooting. Some of our loaders even regularly participate at shoots themselves.

Eye Candy Loaders host their very own clay pigeon shooting events which always creates a lasting life long impression. Our beautiful Eye Candy Loaders will give you, your colleagues, and your customers a stylish shooting day to remember.