eyesatdalyellup.com.au - Meet Our Team - Eyes@Dalyellup

Description: With 20 years experience in the Optical industry as a Qualified Optical Dispenser you can be assured that Belinda can offer you the best advice when it comes to your vision and looking great! Belinda is in store Monday, Tuesday and Wednesdays. Optometrist bunbury and the south west.

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With 22 years experience in the Optical industry as a Qualified Optical Dispenser you can be assured that Belinda can offer you the best advice when it comes to your vision and looking great! Belinda is in store Monday, Tuesday and Thursdays.

Helen completed a Bachelor of Vision Science (UWA) before graduating from Melbourne University in 2006 with a Bachelor of Optometry (therapeutics). She loves working in a regional location. Her interests include contact lenses, seeing children, colour vision and general Optometry.

Hannah graduated with a Masters of Optometry at Deakin University in 2020. A previous local to the area, she attended boarding school at Bunbury Cathedral Grammar. Prior to working for Eyes@Optometry she has been working as an optometrist for an independent practice in Wagga Wagga NSW. Hannah has had great exposure to all kinds of ocular diseases and had co-management of many patients with local ophthalmologist. Hannah has a passion for diagnosing and managing inflammatory and infectious ocular surface dise

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