Description: Servizi per valorizzazione del capitale umano. Ricerca e selezione del personale. Assessment risorse umane. Partner: Pierluigi Proietti, Federico Minelle,
roma (2337) human resources (1722) executive search (1285) risorse umane (55) talenti (21) ricerca e selezione del personale (8) pierluigi proietti (1)
Ezer, a brand that brings together an international network of Management Consultants, was established after our decision to “ally” for a precise objective: to enhance the talent present in every human resource working for a company. EZER is a Hebrew word that means “ally”. The alliance is formed because of shared values of competence, reliability, and fairness in contractual dealings with customers....
The research process used by EZER stems from a proven methodology which is continually updated based on years of experience of its consultants and the changing needs of the labor market. It develops in the following stages: Preparation of research Defining the need of the company to be intervened and if required to study and optimize its organization, on the basis of available managerial resources. Drafting of the...
Services which EZER dispenses constitute a wide range of consultancy solutions for the development of human capital and the improvement of the organization of the company: executives, middle management and specialists, search and selection, at international level TMS – Talent Management Service: it is aimed at enhancing human capital of the companyl, and it consists of a survey of the human resource...