faaac.me - faaac | Federation Against Ageism towards Advertising Creatives

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OUR MISSION To speak the truth about ageism towards creative people in advertising, build awareness about the problem—especially amongst those considering it as a career—and work on solutions to remedy it. ABOUT US We're agency creatives who love advertising and think the industry owes creative people careers that last long enough to be considered a career. We hope to serve as a resource and platform to those who've been affected by ageism, or simply care about the issue because it matters to them

JOIN US. AND SEND US YOUR STORIES. We want to hear about your experiences with ageism. And don't spare the details about the where and when. We will gather them and do something consequential with the data and information we glean. Of course, your confidentiality will be maintained and your identity will never be revealed.


Links to faaac.me (1)