facultyregalia.com - Academic regalia, doctoral gowns and PhDRegalia

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We offer fully custom made-to-measure graduation gowns, semi-custom, our famous deluxe PhD gowns and doctoral gowns ( made-to-measure quality at off the rack prices) - faculty quality graduation gowns - and souvenir academic regalia , so we can handle all budgets and qualities desired.

The staff at Faculty Regalia .com is trained to handle both traditional and specialized academic regalia requirements with aplomb and consideration to detail. We handle both individual sales and group orders.

For quick delivery , we not only offer custom made caps and gowns, but also STOCK a wide variety of doctoral gowns (including our deluxe doctoral gown) - master's gowns - and bachelor's cap and gowns ; academic hoods ; and doctoral tams ; plus student caps and gowns for preschool , elementary and middle school , high school , and university collegiate graduation commencement ceremonies.

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