faeriehouse.com - The Faerie House - Home

Description: Faerie House feature custom homes for faeries that are built to last, inside or out, summer and winter. Faerie Houses, Sprouts, Cottages, Tomatoes and Bell Towers are just a few of the custom made styles to be found at our faerie store.

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If the art fairs don't work for you or if you need a gift, give us a call (952-922-7190) or  email  to stop by the house.

Welcome to the Faerie House. Frank and Bell Barr have been creating Faerie Houses since 1997. What began simply as goofing around with clay, copper, and steel in the studio has evolved into a lifestyle. "We view the Faerie Houses as a physical incarnation of the faerie spirit - a willing imagination, a playful heart, and an appreciation of the present moment."

Website Design www.trygvewastvedt.com

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