fairerworldyork.co.uk - Fairer World | York's dedicated Fair Trade shop, promoting sustainable living

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The Fairer World shop is  open 11.00am to 5.00pm, 6 days a week, Monday to Saturday. Customers are not admitted inside the Fairer World shop, however, but are being served by staff from the front entrance. We will be reviewing this situation in mid-Autumn. 

Payment is usually by card (or by bank transfer, or by cheque), please, although some customers have occasionally paid with cash.

We are increasing the number and range of crafts available for personal shoppers and for stalls. As well as new Mexican and Guatemalan crafts sent to us by our friend John at Just Trade, we have been recycling a lot of cardboard recently, with the positive side-effect of uncovering some old crafts and cleaning materials in our storage unit. We are having a cleaning sale as a result, because these cleaning products are at least 3 years old, and may not necessarily work as effectively as brand new ones. So th

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