fairfieldcommunity.net - Fairfield Community – Fairfield Community News

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A community newsletter may be a good idea, but it won’t be worth much if people are least bothered about it, not showing any interest or not reading it at all. You are putting in a lot of efforts, and all of them seem to be simply going down the drain. What to do then? How to make people take an interest in it?

Well to begin with, people will read your community newsletter if it has something interesting to offer, it is lively and vibrant. Most importantly, it contains content that they might find some relevance to them. You can ask the local people and the town committee to pour in some ideas. It should be good if a person remains at its line of thoughts, you need to gather information. There is no way on earth that information will come running to you. If you plan just to sit back, making no efforts at all, you

There are many people who are not open; they will not give away information quite easily. To put their thoughts down on a piece of paper, you will have to make some efforts on your own and talk to them, ask them questions, start off an interesting discussion with them. Gather all that you get from them and turn the information or discussion into an article. But before you publish this content, make sure that this runs through their eyes at least once to ensure all you’ve put there is what they said or had i

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