Description: Falun Dafa combines meditation, exercises, and moral teachings. Join us and discover the benefits of this ancient practice.
The Falun Dafa Association of New Engl and (FDANE) is a nonprofit organization of people from all walks of life who are improving their moral character (it’s called raising one’s Xinxing in Chinese). There are no fees or membership lists. The FDANE works to promote understanding of the practice of Falun Dafa (a.k.a. Falun Gong) in the New England area. We also expose the brutal persecution of this peaceful cultivation practice, and we promote Traditional Chinese Culture through the fabulous Shen Yun show.
Fa lun Dafa is an ancient cultivation way for improving mind and body. It is practiced at all levels of society, with students marrying, raising children, and pursuing a wide variety of careers. Falun Dafa Practitioners strive not to let any personal opinions, religious rituals, political motivations or personal agendas stain or ruin the purity of their cultivation, but to take fame and gain lightly. The practice includes four gentle exercises and a sitting meditation. Dafa practitioners also study spiritua
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