fara.us - Foreign Agents Registration Act | www.FARA.us

Description: An informational resource for the Foreign Agents Registration Act including news, government reports, advisory opinions, descriptions of major cases and more.

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Home Blog Bios Legal Resources Legal Resources Advisory Opinions Civil Enforcement Criminal Enforcement Determination Letters Statutory Chronology Other Resources Inquiries www.caplindrysdale.com Welcome to www.FARA.us An Informational Resource in a New Era of Foreign Agents Registration Act Enforcement.

The Foreign Agents Registration Act (“FARA”) imposes disclosure requirements and other legal obligations on any individual or entity that becomes an “agent of a foreign principal” unless an exemption applies.

FARA is a public-disclosure statute originally enacted in 1938 as a legislative response to extensive foreign propaganda activities in the U.S. during the run-up to World War II, which included a 20,000-person rally held in Madison Square Garden .  Congress hoped that, through FARA, the “spotlight of pitiless publicity [would] serve as a deterrent to the spread of pernicious propaganda.”  FARA has since been amended 10 times , with the most significant overhaul occurring in 1966.

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