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Sample Page 5 Natural Ways to Lose Weight Green apple wrapped in a tape measure on a white scale, wooden surface on background, dieting and weight loss concept If you are trying to lose weight but have found that all the conventional weight loss methods don’t work, there are some natural methods that you can try. These natural weight loss methods can help you lose weight while improving your health. Here are some that weight loss clinics have recommended.

Caffeine has long been associated with weight loss and energy boosts. It is a natural stimulant and speeds up the metabolism by creating a thermogenic response. It also helps shed water from the body. But consuming caffeine in excess can have adverse effects. It can increase blood sugar and insulin levels and convert unused sugars into fat. In addition, it can affect the taste buds. It is essential to consume a moderate amount to avoid overdose.

Caffeine can also increase levels of the stress hormone cortisol. Cortisol is produced by the adrenal glands on the kidneys and is released when we are stressed. It increases our blood sugar levels and interferes with our ability to fall asleep. This, in turn, increases our hunger and triggers cravings for sugary foods.

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