fasro.net - FASRO – To provide support and training to those who work daily with our greatest asset: children.

Description: The Florida Association of School Resource Officers Protecting our most precious resource, our children. FASRO Thanks our Title Sponsor NAV360 FASRO Thanks our Title Sponsor NAV360 The Florida Association of School Resource Officers Protecting our most precious resource, our children. School Safety Training July 15th 2024 - July 19th 2024 *Agenda Now Available*

police (1746) sro (80) school safety (62) school resource officer (2) florida association of school resource officers fasro protecting our most precious resource our children

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We, the members of the Florida Association of School Resource Officers, in a uniform effort, will provide support and training to those who work daily with our greatest asset: children. In addition, FASRO will ensure a safe educational environment through advanced training and networking of law enforcement officials.

Protecting our most precious resource, our children.

The Florida Association of School Resource Officers offers the most advanced and comprehensive training for its members in the state of Florida.

Links to fasro.net (7)